Kirirom Institute of Technology will start a new master’s program in November 2021. This master’s program allows you to work while studying in Cambodia. The concept of the undergraduate school at Kirirom Institute of Technology was to learn IT in English, but the concept of the graduate school is to teach English and advanced technology which is able them to start a business overseas to engineers with IT skills.

What is Digital-Nomad Study Abroad?

There are two ways to go to graduate school. “Regular study abroad” and “Digital nomad study abroad”

Kirirom Institute of Technology is located on the Kirirom National Park in Cambodia. Like undergraduate students, you can graduate from the master’s program in two years while staying in a dormitory in Kirirom. Let’s call this method a regular study abroad program. And the second method is studying abroad at Digital Nomad. Studying abroad at Digital Nomad also starts with regular study abroad on the Kirirom National Park, but in the second year, we will form a team and leave Kirirom to go around the city. Cities include Cambodia, such as the capital Phnom Penh and the tourist destination Siem Reap, but it is possible to obtain a graduate degree while traveling to cities such as Ukraine, Estonia, New York, and Silicon Valley, which are famous in IT.

Graduate School + Worcation

The graduate school is a two-year course. Even if you study abroad at Digital Nomad, you will be required to stay in Kirirom, Cambodia for at least one year. However, every weekend you will enjoy not only Kirirom, also Phnom Penh, the capital, Siem Reap with Angkor Wat, and Sihanouk Vile, the port city, and all over Cambodia, you will stay in Kirirom mainly on weekdays. The master’s program at Kirirom Institute of Technology allows IT engineers to graduate from graduate school while working. It is economically burden to quit work and study abroad at an overseas university, but it is a feature that you can go to an overseas graduate school instead of a domestic night graduate school. The idea of ​​working while staying at a resort called “worcation”, which is a coined word that combines Work + Vacation, is widespread, but there is also the idea of ​​”study” of Study + Vacation. Kirirom’s concept of “working while learning at a resort” is like a combination of “worcation” and “study”.

If you decide to start a business

While you are in graduate school, you may be involved as a board member of the virtual company launched by the Incubation Center together with undergraduate students, but when the virtual company was incorporated as a Kirirom startup, you became an investor. Or you can join the management team. In this case, you will be working as three roles: study + worcation + entrepreneurship.

Go out of Kirirom and Cambodia as a digital nomad

I talked about staying in Kirirom for a year, but the main reasons are English training and team building. If you find a team to start a business or learn with, and you can collaborate in English, you can go out of Cambodia. As a digital nomad, you can play three roles, study + worcation + corporate while traveling around the world. Life is short, so it’s a program for maximum growth during the covid situation.

Which country will you travel to as a digital nomad?

It is your responsibility to travel around the world as a digital nomad in groups. If you do not want to go because of the high risk, we recommend that you graduate from Kirirom, Cambodia as a regular study abroad student. We cannot recommend to travel around the world alone. Consider the Digital Nomad Plan if you find a partner or group to travel around the world together during the year. Kirirom Institute of Technology offers graduate courses online. We will provide you with the part of issuing a degree, we will also support you in ordering work that you do around the world, and we will help you to succeed in global entrepreneurship. You can see how people accept you. Covid x Overseas Travel / Overseas Business Trip Information Site Example: Japan → Cambodia (1 year) → Estonia (2 months) → Ukraine (6 months) → New York (2 months) → Silicon Valley (2 months) → Japan is currently possible. * Ukraine is long for reducing living costs.

Where do you get your job?

The new master’s program at Kirirom Institute of Technology has majors in “Technology Management,” “Data Science,” and “Cyber ​​Security.” In other words, compared to the concept that undergraduate students of Kirirom Institute of Technology learning IT and entrepreneurship in English, the master’s program is for those who can do programming etc. It is possible to place an order for work for seven Kirirom Group corporations, but we are assuming as a case that those who have a freelance job in Japan will go to graduate school while working as a worcation in Kirirom while having a job. Master’s students of excellent engineers think that they will probably get more salary if they receive an order in Japan than the amount ordered from the Kirirom Group. If you run out of work during Digital Nomad, you will not be able to continue studying abroad at Digital Nomad. If there is a gap in your work, please work for the Kirirom Group.