In ordinary universities, collaborative research and industry-academia collaboration are mainly conducted between graduate school laboratories and companies, but Kirirom Institute of Technology takes a unique approach. At Kirirom Institute of Technology, undergraduate students are mandatory participation in internships for 3500 hours, providing IT services and establishing new businesses and new companies.

In November 2021, a new laboratory will be open, and a Master’s course will start at Kirirom Institute of Technology.

1. Ordering IT service for development projects from A2A Digital

A2A Town (Cambodia) Co, Ltd. (commonly known as A2A), which is the operating corporation of Kirirom Institute of Technology, has a department that provides IT services called A2A Digital. This department is for graduates and current students of Kirirom Institute of Technology. We are improving our IT services everyday so that Cambodia can become an IT country like Vietnam. If you wish to support Cambodia and Kirirom Institute of Technology, we hope that you will us either by engaging our students directly, or engaging A2A Digital’s IT Services. Since A2A launch in January 2020, our sales are doubled despite the covid situation.

A2A Digital has also set up an IT service department called “Digital Factory”. The first service is an annotation contract service for AI projects, and the second service is a remote monitoring service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These services were launched by graduates and current students of Kirirom Institute of Technology and will be expanded by hiring graduates from other universities in the future.

It is assumed that each service of these digital factories will be spun out as a separate corporation, so we would like to work together to create a new company.

2. Joint research using a virtual company

Excellent students enrolled at Kirirom Institute of Technology have created a virtual company and are taking on the challenge of launching new businesses as president and vice president. This virtual company will start with a one-on-one matching between a virtual company and a company, and start with a laboratory group of undergraduate students. If the virtual company shows good results and prospect, it is likely to be established as a new company and commercialized. Even if a new company cannot be established, students who have collaborated can be hired at the time of graduation with their experience from working on these virtual companies.

The vKirirom Incubation Center, which was established in A2A Town (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. collaborated with Kirirom Institute of Technology is in charge of establishing a company from the launch of a virtual company to the startup of Kirirom.

3. Joint research with the laboratory

Graduate school (master’s course) is scheduled to start at Kirirom Institute of Technology in November 2021. Government-approved majors are in three areas: technology management, data science, and cybersecurity, and will set up laboratories that are obliged to write treatises. Through joint research with the laboratory, the results can be incorporated into the company’s business, and the possibility of hiring students belonging to the laboratory is high.

4. Government-academia collaboration

KIT has a very strong connection with Cambodia’s Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology Innovation, Ministry of Education, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as an educational institution we join some projects to promote Cambodia’s DX with Industrial Revolution 4.0. We would like to change the world from Cambodia together with companies who can actively participate in such government-academia collaboration projects.

MOU Kirirom Institute of Technology with National Institute of Science and Technology Innovation

Ministry of Economy and Finance collaborates with Japanese companies to establish ecotechnology park Cambodia [labor]